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Torquay to Portland

I've been really looking forward to this passage because I grew up on Portland, living in a house with a view across Lyme Bay. On a clear day, you could see all the way to Torquay 40 miles away.

It was a very early but beautiful start to the day, with clear blue skies and a light westerly breeze. I was sailing directly into the rising sun as I left Torbay and headed out into the open sea. On the way, I was joined by a pod of three dolphins who came and played for a while. In the clear blue water, you could see them clearly as they danced and swirled around the boat.

Rounding Portland Bill was a very special moment for me. When I was at school I had a summer job at Portland Bill and used to love watching the boats rounding the headland and trying to avoid the infamous rough waters of the Portland Race. It was quite something to be in a boat looking back at the people on the Bill.

Rounding Portland Bill

The tides around the Bill are horrendous, and I was swept almost sideways as I tried to stay away from the race. Once around the Bill, the waters were more sheltered as I headed up to the marina in Portland harbour.

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